Tiff archive pour windows

TIFF Archive attend sa note!

TIFF Archive

TIFF Archive is a tool that can convert large volumes of TIFF image files to PDF/A-1b compliant files.PDF/A-1b is a file format based on PDF which provides a mechanism for representing electronic documents in a manner that preserves their visual appearance over time, independent of the tools and systems used for creating, storing or rendering the files. See ISO 19005-1 for more information.The product may be used as command line tool for manual use or inclusion in scripts. See the reference guide for further information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .

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  • Publié le 18 Mai 2016 > Mise à jour le
    Langue(s) Anglais
  • Editeur NeilPitman OS Windows
  • Téléchargements 283 Notez le logiciel

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    • TIFF Archive (1.01.130529) pour Windows en Anglais Freeware
    • Compatibilité Windows NT / 2000 (32bits)
      Windows XP (32bits/64bits)
      Windows Vista (32bits/64bits)
      Windows 7 (32bits/64bits)
      Windows 8 (32bits/64bits)
      Windows 10 (32bits/64bits)
    • Télécharger >