Textpipe lite pour windows

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TextPipe Lite

Textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for updating text. It handles an unlimited number of files and folders, and is unique in handling files of unlimited size. It performs one or more changes at the same time, and can search for multi-line text and special characters. Search for 'fuzzy' text patterns using popular perl-style regular expressions, and friendly easypatterns, with predefined patterns for [whitespace], [date], [time], [ipaddress], [emailaddress] and more. Textpipe is unique in that you can restrict replacements to line ranges, column ranges and also to html elements such as within the alt tag of an image, or within the content attribute of the meta keywords tag, or just within the title tag. The possibilities are endless, and restrictions can be nested. You have to see these to understand just how powerful they are! Textpipe can also convert files between unix, mac and pc/windows end of line formats, remove blanks from the start or end of each line, remove blank lines, remove html tags, add line numbers, file headers and footers, and text to the start or end of each line and more. Textpipe can be automated from the command line and via com scripting from other programming languages. A standard and pro version are also available. More than 200 example filter files are included along with a comprehensive online manual. Winner of sia "best application" award. "i use it handling differences in data interchange with our customer banks... I used to have an entire folder full of quick little vb programs that i would write to fix up data, and i no longer use them. They all have been replaced by textpipe. Since i bought the product 20 days ago, i have replaced all of my other home-brew utilities and processed over 350gb of data"-jeff w. Martin, carreker corporation

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  • Publié le 21 Janvier 2016 > Mise à jour le
    Langue(s) Multi
  • Editeur DataMystic OS Windows
  • Téléchargements 95 Notez le logiciel

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    • TextPipe Lite (9.9.4) pour Windows en Multi Langues Freeware
    • Compatibilité Windows XP (64bits)
      Windows Vista (64bits)
      Windows 7 (64bits)
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